- November 30, 2020
After the rapid spread of COVID-19 and the introduction of safety precautions worldwide, the importance of proper hygiene cannot be emphasized enough. Unsurprisingly, homeowners all over the world are concerned about the possibility of contamination at home. Especially worrying is the fact that coronavirus can live on hard surfaces for several days. … Read more
The protection of your family’s health and well-being is vital, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Hand washing and the use of protective masks are strongly advised. Except for practising proper personal hygiene and taking recommended safety measures, sanitizing your residence is a necessary precaution for keeping the virus at bay. Many… Read more
You might have heard people saying that “a good plan is a job half done”. This can be applied to everything you do, including house cleaning. So, before you roll up your sleeves and get down to work, make sure to create a comprehensive cleaning checklist and come up with a doable schedule. You can Read more
If cleaning makes you feel stressed out and you cannot manage to balance between your job and never-ending household chores, hire professional cleaning services and give your house a long-overdue deep clean. The experienced cleaning professionals from Charlotte, NC, and the area, will create a cleaning checklist specifically designed to meet your… Read more